Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Blouse for hari raya!!

tbe2 rasa nak tulis entry baru pasal baju..owh tidak,rasa teruja sebenarnya sbb smlm dpt rembat 2 helai baju yg sgt unik n cantik.Satu butik dkat bangsar village (caramel boutique).Not bad gak lah baju2 kat situ,smpi cik doyek pon rambang sygnye,saiz2 baju kt situ semua cutting korea,kecik2..maka cik doyek yg agak2 gempal ni x dpt la nk berfesyen dgn baju2 ala2 cute vintage gitu..

tp,at last lepas pusing satu butik 2,3 kali,akhirnya cik doyek terjumpa satu baju ni,come in 2 pieces.disebabkan dh lama berkenan dgn crop tops,so akhirnya baju itu menjadi pilihan hati di atas sokongan penuh sahizan salman..

maybe kalau tgk dlm gmbar xdela cntik mana,but i think its very unique and stylish

design2 baju kt butik tu mmg very adorable,dgn warna2 pastel and very colourful.tapi skrg ni rasa nk beli lg stu crop top wrna hitam cm kt bwh ni

dua2 wrna nice! harga pon berpatutan n mampu di miliki la sng citer.skirt2 pon agak unik n mmg so cute.

maxi skirt ni mmg dr material yg sgt lembut n very comfortable..suke sgt

lepas puas berjalan n makan2 dkt bangsar village,sahizan salman ajak p rhb bank.cik doyek pon suggestkan la dkt area klang lama tu,dh alang2 nk hantar balik sekali kn. kt situ mmg ada satu butik faveret sbb baju2 kt situ mmg lain dr yg lain n sgt la murah.butik AMOUR!! Masuk jerk dlm butik tu,masing2 menggila test baju,seluar la,maxi skirt la,mcm2...kdg2 bile tgk patung pakai mcm cantik jerk,bile test bru tahu,bdn kita bukan mcm bdn patung..haha.

last but not least,akhirnya jumpa jgk satu baju ni wrna light green..sangt cantik.

dh minat plak design palet mcm ni!

semua sekali berhabis rm 100..ok la kn!! murah pon murah..misi seterusnya handbag and kasut pulak..=)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

From college to the Real world i ready for that???

As u enter another phase in your life,everything seems so hard at the beginning,especially when it comes to financial issues.One of the greatest thing being a student is you don`t have so much to think.When you focus on your study, everything goes well.I must say that PTPTN has save my life financially,BUT now you must survive on your own to earn money since u are no longer being a student.Trust me,if u are not be able to deal with that,i`m sure you will end up frustrations and despair.

Getting my first job is quiet challenging as it requires so much preparation which i think that i`m not into it rite now.To be honest,i`m not preparing my resume n not ready for the first job search because u know,lots of things going on lately,plus i have to settle down my research thing first...i do make a small effort to get in touch with one of the healthcare company which promise to hire me whenever i finished my study.but, i don`t know whether i should keep those words because,i didn't make any phone calls for the confirmation.but never mind,ade rezeki ada lah..

last word..dont ever expect for the worst,always pray for the best...insya Allah you'll find your way

Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's been a very long time since I've put anything on this site.i felt like i didn't have any idea to throw up and start writing...there`s a lot of things going on lately as i felt like i need to give a rest to my brain and my body as well..some of my friends are busy doing their research proposal and maybe the rest are still on vacation i guess...ahaks.ONCE Again i was completely different from them.i`am a teacher now. does it sounds good right?..haha,now..I'm going to talk to you about some interesting facts about teaching.Personally,i hate school,yelling at your students and make them follow all of your instructions, i hate the fact that my core business and clients are students.Teach the special kids will be more easier and fun compared with normal average kids whose stubborn..these kids nowadays are not respect the elder.

Sometimes teaching isn`t right for you,despite a good experience.In my case, being an occupational therapist suit me more.Teaching is a long roller coaster ride full of twists and turns and butterfly-inducing loops.What i`m trying to say is,being a teacher is not just like you enter your class and teach,then`s full of passion, interest,experience,patience and responsibility,,,your students bring up your name,,remember that!!..what path they choose, what they want to be, what kind of people they will be in the`s all reflex your role..and again you will get blame for that even though you put everything you had, you did your very best but unfortunately,it just didn't work out...very frustrating,very disappointing..this is the challenging part being a teacher.One of the tough things in joining any career field is that you get to seek the dark side of it very well..And now i know, how does it feel to be a teacher...The good side of it, i have one great story to share to you..

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I must say that :“Appearances are often deceiving.”

When it comes to appearance, I’m the one who mostly care. I have fair skin and rounded face with double chin and I can say my lower limb is positively thin. I’m about 5'4", and I weigh 120 pounds. I hate this number and I’m quite concerned about my body weight but I just couldn’t stop eating. Eating has offering me with pleasurable feeling. Having a great figure like Jessica Biel or Scarlet Johansson is something that every girl dreamed of, but I don`t think I have enough effort for it. I need to be more specific on my goal and stick to a diet and exercise routine without sacrifice lots on my food or grounded for exercise. I am not into routines at all, but exercising has always been difficult for me. Thus, I always find something nice to wear. I like clothes, accessories and stuff like that. I always try to wear something very simple but exquisite. I go for things that I'm really comfortable in. I wear things that really look nice on me, something flashy but not too loud and things that flatter my shape.

I`m not really branded person but I do love clothes from Dolly and shoes from Nose, Vincci, Carlo Rino and Crocs. I`m not looking at the price or brand. If I love the design, bags, shoes and outfits from Lot 10 or Times Square or even at Petaling Street seems okay to me .Style is what you make out of what you have. Not to mention, I do love watches and I always want anything from Elle. Style is you, your person, your own packaging, what you are known for and everything that makes you who you are is your style. I do admire the way some people dress and sometimes they are influenced my style a little bit.
Sometimes, I ask advice and opinions from my friends regarding fashion but it doesn’t mean I have to agree with them all the time. One more thing, I didn’t like my posture, my mother and my boyfriend always said that I’m slouching in most of the time. I hate the fact, but they were right. Therefore, I need to improve my posture. Well, all college life involves a lot of sitting around and when my back muscles are tired, I tend to slump down. I think I need to work out on my posture because some people said that posture reflexes your confidence. I don’t want them to judge me just because I’m having this posture.

About myself...

My name is Hidayah but my friends call me ‘doyek’. I know it`s sound weird but I’ve got that name since I was 13 .I was born on 24th may, 1987 at Malacca General Hospital .We are staying in Malacca for almost 3 years before my family moved on to Muar. I Have 4 siblings and I’m the eldest. Wells, i do have a lot of responsibilities as the eldest. I have to set an example to them and encouraged them lots to give the best in education.

My mother works as a chief clerk at Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan, Parit Setongkat. I can say that she was the most wonderful mother ever with full of passion and determinations. My father passed away when I was about 7 while my youngest sister was still in the womb. I can`t imagine how difficult moment my mom ever had in her life. We do lots of great things together and I love it that way, be with family and having conversation until midnight.

I'm an occupational therapy student and should finally graduate with my bachelor's in 2011! I can't wait. I had an experienced been working with autistic children for 4 months and it has been the most exciting experience of my life. Up in till the day i started working i have never been in the company of an autistic child, so at first it was a little intimidating. But then, I found that working with autistic children is not as tough as people assume it to be. It is an enriching experience for me as an individual, and can give me totally immense satisfaction.

I love watching movies, writing, listen to music, go places I've never been before, hang out with some coolest friends (probably 1, 2 person, not in a group of 5 or 6 people), talking on the phone and go shopping. My favorite store is mid valley. I listen to anything from Coldplay to Kelly Clarkson. It just inspires me all the way around. I listen to all kinds of music which is mostly rock or something mellow. For me, a great day consists of hanging out with my friends, laughing and listening to a great music.
My favorite foods are Spaghetti Bolognaise and sushi. I know it`s kind of western but it`s always not enough everytime I ate it. I don’t like animals because I can`t stand the smell plus I don’t have time to entertain myself with those pets thing. I love caffeine, not only it makes me alert but the taste just so like heaven.

money is the root of evil

For the first time, aku nak berblogging bercerita tntang duit..Dah lama rasanya tak mengarang dalam bahasa Melayu.Mungkin karangan aku tidak sebaik org lain..Tapi untuk post kali ni,aku lebih selesa mggunakan "malay wording"...kenapa? Sbb orang Melayu sinonim dengan kemiskinan.Bangsa Melayu jauh ketinggalan jika hendak dibandingkan dengan bangsa lain di Malaysia ni..Bukan setakat poket kosong tapi ilmu pun cetek,perilaku yg terserlah dgn kebodohon...Aku hanya melepaskan geram terhadap segelintir orang Melayu yg tinggi ilmunya tetapi cetek mentalitinya...Masih berfikir di takuk lama...

Aku berharap aku bukan lah di kalangan mereka-mereka yang tidak pernah bersyukur dengan apa yg mereka ada selama ni...Ada setengah org ni mcm x pernah cermin diri mereka,selalu menyalahkan orang lain...........kadang-kadang kuman di seberang laut nampak, gajah depan mata tak nampak..Mungkin pada sesiapa yg ada membaca "post" aku ni, dah dpt membayangkan insan-insan disekeliling mereka yang hampir serupa dengan apa yang aku maksudkan tadi..Aku ni cuma seorang pelajar UITM yang bukan dari jurusan-jurusan hebat seperti kedoktoran,kejuruteraan atau lain-lain jurusan yang seangkatan seperti itu..Aku ni tak lebih hanyalah seorang pelajar dari fakulti kesihatan,program pemulihan carakerja.

Aku percaya aku punya kelebihan, aku punya keazaman dan aku selalu mahukan yang terbaik untuk keluarga aku,untuk diri aku dan untuk orang-orang yang selama ni menyokong aku...Aku bukan la dilahirkan genius atau cerdik,tapi aku percaya satu hari nanti aku akan berada di atas,di hormati kerana kedudukan....tHE ONLY thing money can offer..If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.......setinggi mata kita berdiri,jangan lupa bahawa semua ni pinjaman Allah di dunia...